Saturday, August 16, 2008

2008 2nd Required School of Instruction a Success!!!!

Another year has come to an end as far as the 41st Masonic District’s School of Instruction requirements are concerned. It give me great pleasure to see that for the third time in a row, EVERY Lodge in this district participated! If my calculations are correct, we have averaged 57 Brothers in attendance during these last three sessions. I, like most of you learn something every time I attend. Even our Most Worshipful District Deputy Grand Lecturer Jack Long left today with more “light” than with which he came. Unless I missed it, or wasn’t informed, I heard only high praises for the way and manner in which today’s communication was conducted.

Brothers, we need to keep this active participation going, and especially bring newly made brothers with us every chance we get. Getting our newest brothers involved, or they just coming to watch for the first time us will ensure their willingness to participate in future schools of instruction, lectures services, and during the ritual work in each of our respective lodges.

Congratulations to Robbinsville Lodge for bringing back the Golden Trowel. Brother Jack was relieved that the tie breaker didn’t involve he tossing a coin, or he being tossed for distance.

One other side note: Some of you probably realized it (and was relieved by the fact) I didn’t bring up any trivia questions from the CODE this time. I just wonder if it was really a coincidence that Worshipful Bother Jack Long “borrowed” my copy of the CODE at the beginning of today’s session.

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