Saturday, January 03, 2009 the officers elected and appointed for Robbinsville Lodge # 672 were installed for the ensuing year. Worshipful Bro. Jim Hyde District Deputy grand Master of the 41st Masonic District performed the ceremony, assisted by Worshipful Brother Jack Long, District Deputy Grand Lecturer as Installing Marshall installed the officers during an open installation with wives and other family members and friends present. Worshipful Brother Pastor Daniel Stewart, Past Master was the Installing Chaplain.
Lodge was opened in due form by Worshipful Bro Jim Hyde and the 2008 officers present. Labor was dispensed with and all the officers were given their oaths and installed. Worshipful Bro Harold Phillips was installed as Master, Worshipful Bro Pastor Burlin Aldridge as Sr Warden, Worshipful Bro Michael Phillips, PM as JR Warden, Worshipful Bro Mitchell L. Colvard as Secretary, and Worshipful Brother Ed McCollum, PM was installed as Treasurer. The rest of the officers were appointed to seats as follows:
SD-Dennis Wilson
JD-Worshipful Mike Phillips
Steward – Buck Jackson
Chaplain – Kelley Hooper, PM
Tyler – James Millsaps
At the end of the installation at the request of Worshipful Master Phillips, District Deputy Grand Master explained to the audience significance and purpose of the “Closing Charge” to the visitors and while the Brethren were in due form around the alter, he gave the “Closing Charge”.
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