Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2010 Installation of Officers/Widows Dinner at Montgomery

Montgomery Lodge #426 held its annual installation of officers for the ensuing year on Sunday, December 13th. WB Eric Sneed PM was installed as Master, Royce Hughes as Sr Warden, and Andy Liakos as JR Warden. Also of special recognition was Treasurer elect WB Howard Allen PM, who was installed for the 50th time as Treasurer.

A fine meal was served by the Eastern Star, with all in attendance contributing to the bountiful meal. Also, the Widows were our special guests, with fruit baskets being prepared as a Christmas gift from the Lodge to them.

A good time was had by all who attended.

WB Henry Hiss PM was the Installing Officer.

All the officers lined up with WB Sneed taking his oath.

WB Allen takes his oath as Lodge Treasurer for the 50th time!!!

Out-going WM Rau is presented his Past master's apron.

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