Franklin Chapter #95 RAM met in stated communication. But, it was not business as usual. KYGCH Bob Krauss was there that night in order to install Chapter officers for the upcoming year. Also in attendance was KYCH Charles Cathey, along with Grand Chapter and Council officers Dave Cashion, and Dennis Hurst. KYCH Lon Peden was chosen as installing Marshall and given Chaplain duties as well....both were done in sterling manner. Chapter was opened in form and the business at hand was begun.
No great and important undertaking should be taken without first invoking the blessings of Diety.

All the officers to be installed were gathered at the Holy Altar in order to take the obligation of a Chapter Officer.

KYGCH Bob Krauss gives special instruction to HP Dana Gordon.

Dave Cashion, Charles Cathey, and Lon Peden share some time in conversation.

It was a good year for outgoing HP Henry Hiss. Marshall Lon Peden and incoming HP Gordon present Companion Hiss with a special certificate for a job well done.

Chapter Officers for the 2009 year are as follows:
High Priest - Dana B. Gordon
King - Thomas E. O'Day
Scribe - Mitchell C. Arrowood
Captain of the Host - Derek A. Cheek
Principle Sojourner - Matthew P. Neely
Royal Arch Captain - Richard P. Dunn
Master 3rd Veil - John R. Greist
Master 2nd Veil - Mark A. Liakos
Master 1st Veil - Lee W. Whittaker
Sentinel - Elden E. Adameit
As the Secretary and Treasurer are potentially re-elected, installation was not necessary,
Installing Officer - Robert C. Kraus, KYGCH
Installing Marshal - Lon A. Peden, KYCH